It is too good to be true where you just install the APP on your phone and you will get to receive the Coffee Set for FREE. Some one had told me about this where I don’t believe at first. What you need to do is install the APP call MYTEKSI
Once install it will appear where your location and at the bottom of the screen you will see TEKSI or WONDACoffee button. Select WONDACoffee and click next
The next screen will require you to activate your phone number. Once done, it will appear which location you want to drop the coffee to.
You will soon receive SMS to confirm all the information and what you need to do next is to wait less then 1 hour.
My box of coffee arrived just less then 30 minutes.
There are 3 types of coffee sent:
- Cafe Latte
- Mocha
- Original
Together with the coffee, there is also discount vouchers and also doughnut biscuit.
This is too good to be true but it is for REAL! Try it yourself, where installing the APP won’t cost you any cent. Hurry, promotion end at this Friday.