The night of 7th Octpber 2008 was the night when the procession of the Nine Emperors Festival took place. At this time most of the devotees joined the procession to send off the deities. All the devotees who were on strict vegetarian diet on these 9 days will be opening fast after the parade. For us as the active bloggers, of course I will be out to hunt for latest affairs and great food after the long vegetarian fasting. Tonight’s outing were joined together by the owner of Yummy Station blog, Allen Ooi and Criz Bon Appetite‘s owner, Criz Lai
Many places at different areas held performing parades to send off the deities back. But the most popular and lively place is of course the one at Lebuh Carnavan.
The parade started with the devotees walking in front and the floats which had been decorated with the statues of the Nine Emperor Gods sitting on top.
The ritual performance done by the devotees during the procession. When I uploaded this video to youtube, immediately someone left a message telling me that he was there when I captured the video.
The “black” soul taker (黑无常) on the Chinese legend who will hook your soul to hell when your time is about to come to an end.
“White” soul taker (白无常) usually shows up together with the “black” soul taker. According to legend, only the bad souls will be taken off by them to the hell world. Therefore, make sure you are doing more good deeds else you will meet them when on your last day on earth.
The mobile temple which were seated by most of the deitiess statues under one roof. Check out there is a colourful “crystal ball” in front of the keeper. He seems like a fortune teller.
The “God of Crazy Monk” (济公) walking with eyes closed. I wonder if he would knock on anything if his eyes remained shut during the entire procession.
The possesion by the Nine Emperor Gods on the devotees who were trying to return their offerings when they achieved the vows that they have made.
The ultimate and the last float which contained the “spirits” of the deities that will be released to the sea and burnt off as a sign of sending the deities back to heaven.
Yo Steve… your shots ended up better than you expected. Better than mine at least.
Where to next? Hehe…
Yes lo, you guys really have a nice shot that night. Mine came out not really good. The next stop I think Steven wants to have the vegetarian Jiu Hu Eng Cai. Hahaha.
Criz, Allen is right. We are going to try out the vegetarian Jiu Hu Eng Cai. Wanna join us this weekend? How about we say on Saturday dinner?
Allen, I had added you to my msn dee but no feedback from you?
whoa….very nice shots and what an interesting expedition!!!~~:D
Looks like three of you guys had a great night out. Nice to see all of youl having so much fun…and thanks for showing all the happenings of that night.
Too bad, we didn’t get to have the dim sum at that same Sunday. morning.
ck lam
hey, by the way, all the celebration of the chinese temple culture are too much wasting money, and beside the chinese government in mainland China try to aband all people to burn away the money!