A Speech and Hypnotherapy Performance by Inanna Lawton
The Conscious Mind – Conscious thoughts and feelings, your immediate life experience.
The Unconscious Mind – holds the knowledge literally and memory of all our experiences and is the primary motivator behinds, beliefs, emotions and actions.
- How your unconscious thinks and works, how important it is to access this part within so that you can take your business to a successful level much faster
- A stronger powerful YOU
- Increased confidence and self-esteem
- Enhanced Focus and Clarity
- Greater Motivation
- Commitment and Accomplishment
- Wholeness
- Acceleration in your business
- Success in your life
- Greater personal fulfilment
Example: When sleeping, relaxation started and we will be dreaming. On the next day, we still able to partially remember the dream but not certain the whole story, this is known as metaphors. However, metaphors even happen when we are in our conscious.
What is Metahors?
- Metaphors are not only a matter of words, but a matter of thought and energy. The communicate emotions, behavioural concepts and ideas.
- Metaphors are what unlocks the potential of the human mind, they are a tool for transformation facilitating new patterns of thought, feelings and behaviour.
Metaphors allow us to use the power and force from within to change our lives effortlessly.
Symbolic and Visualisation of Metaphors as below:
- Wolf – motivation, protector
- Eagle – Vision, charity, focus, part that sees ahead
- Ancient Rome – Expending once personal kingdom into success and wealth. Marching forward in life.
The hypnotherapy process takes about 20 minutes. The result made:
- Commitment and Confidents.
- Accomplishment and clearer vision on your target.
- Wholeness and believe in yourself.
Editor Review:
Hynotheraphy is a process to relax your mind and into the state of unconcious (subconcious) mind. This actually help you to uncover your potential tellent. This method of evoking your tellent, it’s works for me. This will only works unless you believe in it. Just like the effect of vodoo or hodoo in the movie of “Skeleton Key“, will only take effect to a person if he/she believes in it.