Actually Merdurian has already published similar post before, just that I feel that I have more collection of tickets than her therefore I have taken down the pictures of all my movie tickets and posted here.
This is the first movie ticket in my collection list. Actually there are movies that I have kept even earlier than this but just that they reminded me of some bad memories that’s why I have thrown away most of them. So far the movies that I have watched until now are 73 and still there are 3 more after this shot. From Pavilion Cinema to Cathay Cinema. From Orchard Cineplex to GSC Penang.
Movie tickets shot in different angle.
The earliest movie ticket on my list is “007 – The World Is Not Enough” and it’s dated back on 12 March 1999. Not sure where I have watched this movie at? That time GSC in Penang still never existed.
My latest movie watched is “Enchanted” backed on 15 December 07. I find that it’s quite a nice and relax movie.
Premier class at Gurney, I have earned this FREE ticket when I was working as Enterprise Consultant back at my previous company.
LOL u want to fight with merdurian ke.. but u really have so many stubs! i use to collect them but the printings faded away so i’m left with a piece of white slip LOL. hey happy new year!
wa~ u watched a lot of movie o~
i never collect them la, i alwiz download from, hehehe~
Bb community, you dare to say it loud here later BSA close down your site I don’t know.
Slowcatchupkuan, not fight with her lah. Just want to show off nia
by the way next time I think we better photostat 1 copy of the ticket up before it fade out.
scan it lar and keep in hard disk LOL.. good idea.
you know what… you are pretty good at collecting rubbish man…
so what else other than movie tickets and coke?
Willie, ya dude… some more got all sort of cokes which include Zam Zam Cola LOL
whoa really got more movies ticket than me woh.. kekeekek wonder why guys likes to collect so much movies ticket for what :-/
Merdurian, like Will said I am quite a garbage man. I kept any things that have collection value
i know that 20 tic change for 1 free tic only…
I collected too. I think I got more than you loh!