Historic moment of 11 Oct (9:22pm) after the countdown of FG rocket launcher took off from the launching pad. That moment I was with my friends having a mug of beer while watching our nation rocket launcher blasted off. It makes me feels like ‘oh… that’s goes my 1 thousand, 2 thousand….. 3’. We are paying off our taxes for an Angkasawan (The Space Passenger).
While the nation keeps shouting “Angkasawan Ku, Boleh!” and all the super hero stories about our Space Passenger. I have difference views.
1. Is this our own technology on launching to space? Or have our country contributed to any of the equipment for the launching?
Have we ever asked this question? Or do we just ignore the fact and act happy as the whole nation is celebrating as well. Do we contribute any part for the launching other than having “Angkasawan” in the craft? Who knows you will see the logo sticker at spacemen helmet? Or when open up the rocket bonnet we can see
at the engine? I call our Angkasawan, the space passenger is because he is not the one who took control of the launching or touch down.
2. What is our purpose of having space exploration? Does it worth 25 million for that?
Ok, I admit research done on microbe and cells does really help on our medical science. However besides these two, what other things do they do? How to prepare a halal food in space and how to sembayang in outer space? If that’s the case I would propose to our government on how to prepare roti canai at 0 gravity ground.
Or how to prepare “Teh tarik”, pulled tea at outer space. I tell you if my idea works you will see all the Mamak stall floating around in the space. Our Malaysian will be the first one to have franchises around the orbit.
3. We are not just paying for the lifting off, instead we are also paying for the touching down.
Believe me, once our space passenger had successfully touched down. He will be pronounced as national hero and will be awarded honorary DATUK. Given
That’s why how lucky it is to be choosen as an Angkasawan. Anyway, I am just a normal plain Chinese guy who only knows how to eat. I will have to wait for my next life to be choosen as Angkasawan. By the way, despite all the comments above I still love my country and respect my government’s decision because I still need my passport for retirement travel.
If you have the chance to choose again for the next Angkasawan to be sent off to space by Malaysia, will you vote YES or NO? CLICK HERE to vote (This is purely for personal interest and nothing to do with government’s decision)
I thought the gasing was also brought up to test out the spin…
1. i’ll vote for a “NO” so that to invest those money to those who r really needed regardless they r from wat bangsa.
2. they r putting angkasawan up in the media to let us cheer n celebrate. whereby to wish that we will forget about some sad social issues which haven’t solve (poor nurin case, lingam tape, pulau tioman ferry incident…)
Limauu, if like that we can bring “bakuli” there to see how far it shoots
Actually, he should test whether can tarik teh in outspace. It will be a break through if possible.
LOL if teh tarik bringing to the space, probably the teh flooding everywhere
Bb Community, I can’t agree with you more. Why don’t they use the money to better purpose than sending a passenger to space and when come back that time will make him THE HERO?
Mercury, may be they will invent some new tarik technique like tarik direct to your mouth instead over a cup
They could’ve used the money to tar our roads better………
Ya lah, everytime claim no money, why not use this money to subsidise more on our petrol?